The client is currently looking for a candidate that can oversee TCCA AMO operations. The ideal candidate will have experience in maintaining and overhauling aircraft components and will be able to maintain TCCA AMO compliance as well as SAE AS 9110 Quality Management Systems. The person will be able to lead a team of dedicated technicians and support staff to achieve planned outcomes.
This position will meet the requirements of and act as the “Person Responsible for Maintenance (PRM)”, as identified in Section 573.04 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARS).
The MRO Manager is responsible for carrying out the following functions within the Organization:
a) Ensure that sufficient personnel, equipment, tools, technical data, spares and supplies are available to meet operational demands and production scheduling. b) Collect key indices and present to management team quarterly.
c) Ensure that all persons who are authorized to perform or supervise the performance of maintenance have been adequately trained with respect to the applicable regulations and Company procedures.
d) Oversee and manage supply chain personnel to ensue appropriate spares and consumables are available for operations.
e) Implement a Quality Assurance Program which includes periodic verifications of all aspects of the systems and practices used to ensure the AMO continues to perform maintenance in a safe manner.
f) Remain ultimately responsible for the effectiveness of the Quality Assurance program and manage assigned quality personnel to meet requirements for audits, schedules, technical data and corrective actions.
g) Authorize amendments to the Maintenance Policy Manual and any other documents incorporated by reference.
h) Ensure that adequate maintenance records developed and are maintained.
i) Champion a safe and healthy workplace environment by promoting safe workplace habits and practices while providing.
j) Provide a positive, courteous, and nonconfrontational approach to conflict resolution for all personnel.
k) Ensure that all personnel observe the AMO’s policies and codes of conduct.
I) Ensure that all personnel observe workplace health and safety requirements and are wearing the appropriate personal safety equipment while at work.
m) Other duties and assignments as directed by management.
L'échelle salariale que l'employeur s'attendrait raisonnablement à payer pour ce poste se situe entre CA$95,000 et CA$115,000 .
Les candidatures seront acceptées sur une base continue.
Notre offre d’avantages sociaux volontaires comprend des prestations médicales, dentaires, visuelles et de retraite.
Tundra Technical Solutions tient à vous remercier pour l’intérêt que vous avez démontré envers cette opportunité. Toutefois, seuls les candidats possédant les compétences requises seront contactés.
Tundra Technical Solutions est un employeur offrant l’Égalité des Chances et l’Action Positive. Nous accueillons et encourageons la diversité sur notre lieu de travail.
Ce poste ne vous intéresse pas, mais connaissez quelqu’un qui pourrait l’être? Consultez notre Programme de récompense de Parrainage, les parrainages sont un grand secret derrière notre succès. Comme toujours, nous sommes à la recherche de personnes formidables. Et nous savons que vous connaissez des gens formidables!
Tundra Technical Solutions est l’un des principaux fournisseurs de services de recrutement et de conseil en technologies de l’information et en ingénierie en Amérique du Nord. Notre succès et celui de nos clients reposent sur une base d’excellence du service. Plutôt que d’essayer continuellement de vendre à de nouveaux clients et entreprises et de simplement remplir des bases de données de candidats, nous nous concentrons sur le développement de relation plus solides et d’une connaissance plus approfondie des défis et des opportunités de nos clients existants.
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